Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Papo Secos

 I feel like there are a couple of ultimate goals you want to reach in Portuguese baking.

1. Massa

2. Malasadas

3. Papo secos

I was finally able to check off that LAST one!

I don't know why this was always so intimating to me, but myself and my husband finally said ENOUGH, we are doing this!  

One of the main things that scared me was how many each recipe or video made.  I didn't need 4 dozen papo secos without knowing if the recipe was right or not.  So when I finally narrowed it down to make 8 at a time, it felt like it was less daunting.

Heres a couple photos of the process and then of course the recipe card at the bottom.

I hope you give this tradition a try with your family and keep the Papo Secos alive!